After visiting our 24 kids in Rwaza and some very productive and pro-active meetings with various people that day, all leading to the betterment of the future of the children, we drove back to Kigila, satisfied and knowing the attack would come.
You see almost every time after we have made progress concerning our 24 children we find ourselfs under attack. Something will always happen to discourage us. We know that has we taking these children away from witchcraft, abuse and traditional medicins (is form of wicthcraft), we are taking them from a dark spiritual situation and bring them into light and freedom that Christ offers them.
Hence we know who is the one is trying to discourage us, even to the point of trying to cause us to die.
We had warned the two pastors who we network with that attck would come as usual. And sure enough, about an hour's drive before reaching Kigali the steering of our car broke. Travis was able to stop the vehivle just in time before crashing into a valley. It was a matter of less then an inch (2cm) before we would have crashed down.
The far left child is standing on the tire track of where we came to an abrubt stop.
We were in the middle of no-where. Curious children looked on while Travis and Pastor Joseph came up with a temporary fix to get the car to a place where more tools were available.
The joint had snapped and was in need of welding. With a temporary fix of some rubber string tied to keep the joint somewhat in place we drove at super slow speed to the nearest village.
The welder used to weld the joint together!
Pastor Joseph and Travis working together on a car part. We jokingly called this time a Godly Bonding time. But really that is what we thank God for.
A little "garage" behind the market place. It was yet another scary event with yet another breakdown that is called "odd". We thank God that the steering stopped where it did. We see the miracle of God's protection basically every time we go on the road. Sometimes in small ways, other times in very big ways as this day.But really, if I would have to give up my life for the sake of those 24 children... Would I? Is it a sacrifice I am willing to make? God asked me to "bring justice to my children" as I was visiting Rwaza the very first time. Now I am the primary caregiver of the children. I did not understand what God was asking of me at first, but as I stepped out in obedience and found the truth concerning the children, their lives and the ongoing abuses I started to see what God was asking of me. Now the spiritual war is on over these children. Knowing they all know what true love is like now as they all know Jesus and have the full time care of someone who truely loves them as they are, I feel I would indeed be willing to lay down my life for these children. They are Rwanda's future. A generation of God fearing, tribe ignoring, reconciled youngsters! I thank God for the attacks. As pastor Jospeh said yesterday: where satan is not afraid, he does not attack!
P.S. We do need a new car , suitable for bad roads, very badly though!!!
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