Today was such a special day...Loaded with 50 kilo's (80lbs) of beans, 50kilo's (80lbs) of rice, 25 kilo's (40lbs) of carrots and 10kilo's (18lbs) of onions, a soccer ball, biscuits and meat, I drove up the tiny road to the almost top of the mountain, the home of the Rwaza orphans.
Mama Deo was in tears when I showed her all the food we brought as she humbly shared how they are just preparing the last food they had and they even cooked the leafs of the cabbage ( a part normally not eaten) just to add some "greens" to the meal.
She walked around telling all the children: tonight we have meat with dinner!! Many cheers were heard and mama Deo explained that it has been many many months since they had last eaten a piece of meat...
All of you who have been praying and giving to this place... thank you so much! If you could have been there today... the joys expressed about the meat and general food was just amazing! You are inpacting lifes in a very deep way! thank you.
It was so much fun to play with the kids. Rough play with the boys and kuddling and tickeling with the litteler ones. It was relaxed and the children expressed how comfortable they had become with us. Below is Meredith, a friend from Australia with a six month Salvation Army commitment to Rwanda.

The last food.
Thank you for the soap!
Mama Deo has found four people to be employed and to help with the care of the children as they take a big part of the practical duties on themselves. Sadly enough we learned that people have stolen the new soccerballs and other new cloths and toys, so we are going to find them a day and night guard to ensure the safety and protection of the children and all their belongings. Want to help with that?
Many good tings are happening in and with Rwaza. The kids are amazing and so well mannered. And mama Deo is just amazing! God bless and keep her!
So many Smiles!! Love the soap face! All that you're doing is helping strengthen them! It's so cool to watch. Thanks for keeping us all posted. So many appriciate it. Miss you guys -
It's amazing to see how everything is working out and in what perfect time you came in touch with Rwaza.
That was a perfect plan from Father!
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