Some things become so common until you bring someone with you into this common thing who is not used to it and reminds you of how it goes where you are from! This happened to me last week as I took my friends Ruben and Christine to a local market. Mind you, this is a very nice and clean one, actually much nocer than the one I go to for clothing shopping. Have a peak at the market and great items you can get here.A considerably clean butcher has been at work.
Flour.Clothing and African material section One of the many seamstresses awaiting a jobSouveria's or cooking pots, any size you need! And even if you need to buy bulk... Welcome to the Kimironko market. The place I enjoy hanging out. Great Kinyarwandan practice grounds and perfect people watching entertainment. I love the place! But I guess Christine is right, it is a bit much to have to negotiate about even a bag of flour!
Ishimwe, almost 2. Found abandonend on the Rwaza compound.
You know, when other catch your vision and come along side you... it is awesome.
We were blessed with a team from Windham, New Hempsire who brought an amazing amount of blessings for the children in Rwaza. From toys and crayons to t-shirts and crafts. The children had so much fun getting their nails done, making their caps and playing soccer. We had brought food as usual and the team had bought extra beans and rice! It was a true party! Thanks friends from NH, you blessed not just the kids, but also us as you have come along side us and catch on to our vision! God bless you for your love for the children!
Just a few shots of images and places part of our day to day life.
People are always everywhere, carying water, fruit and other items on their heads. In the villages people sometimes have to walk more than an hour to get some decent water. Those who have bikes are able to transport larger amounts and earning some money as water fetchers. It is rainy season again. This time we are dry inside the house and do not have to move our furniture around as we did last season. Never the less the rains come so heavy that the road (the one below is right by our home) turn into rivers. This was after 5 minutes of rain! But when the clouds part... Beautiful Sunshine...
Welcome to my life! Living in post-war Rwanda is anything but boring. My hope is that through my adventures as a woman, wife, mom, director of an international organization and as a christian in Africa , you will meet the One who called me to come to Rwanda and sustains me through my struggles, joys and worries.