Remember my blog about Tatiana, the woman of faith who was robbed of everything... but God?
When I met Tatiana about two months back, she had no hope, no future, no life. She refers to the stage I found her in as her animal stage. She wanted to die as she was desperate and overwhelmed with he poverty she found herself in. She used to live a middle class life style as the result of her succesful boutique. She was robbed off all she had by her husband to be, leaving her with no option but to find a shack to live in with no income. All she had was herself and God. She prayed every day for a change in her situation, but abandoned by friends and family she had lost convidence. Yet she trusted God would act on her behalf.
The day I walked into her small room, she saw answered prayer. She has prayed for me daily since then, she said today. And there has not been a day Tatiana has not been in my mind.
She cried today as she went through the boxes and bags of clothing for her and the baby and lots of food. Over and over she said; God be praised.... I am speech less... She thanks all the people who have prayed and send items with her in mind. It blessed her so much!
Tatiana made me speechless today as she told me somthing today that is hard to fathom. She said; this child is yours. I give it to you. Where ever you want to sent her she shall go and whatever you want to do with her I agree. You have been a mother to me, so now this child is yours...
You need to know that these are not just nice words, this is now a responsability I have. The expectation is that I care for Hope as if she would be mine. Wow...
Tatiana has asked me to name her baby. I had prayed and thought about a name and Tatiana's testimony said it all: Hope. Kwisera means Trust, it is the name she gave, and Kwisera will be the last name. Hope will be my contribution. I guess I became mother again today. What an opportunity. What a ministry.